The Dr Sarah Barlow
Bowel Cancer Foundation.

Funding research for young-onset bowel cancer.

“You have bowel cancer” are four words young people never expect to hear.


Yet over 1500 young Australians are diagnosed with bowel cancer every year and 1 in 5 die as a result. Every dollar donated to The Dr Sarah Barlow Foundation directly funds research aimed at changing this, focusing on early detection and improving treatment options for young people with bowel cancer.

Founded by Dr Sarah Barlow.

Founded by Dr Sarah Barlow, an Australian Paediatrician diagnosed with incurable bowel cancer at age 36 who passed away on 10 February 2021, the foundation is an Australian (ACNC) registered charity providing grants to researchers focused on early detection and diagnosis, and developing new and improved treatment options for young people with bowel cancer.


When a young person is symptomatic from bowel cancer, it’s too late.

Bowel cancer is the second most common cancer for both males and females in Australia. It is also the second deadliest cancer in Australia and kills more than 100 Australians every week.

The incidence of bowel cancer in people who are in the 20 - 40 years of age bracket has markedly increased in recent years. Despite this, there is no screening test or process available to diagnose young people with bowel cancer before symptoms become apparent. Once a young person is symptomatic from bowel cancer, the cancer is usually advanced, with limited treatment options available.


Support for Research

Raise Awareness

Early Detection

Better Treatments

The Dr Sarah Barlow Bowel Cancer Foundation is an ACNC (Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission) registered charity providing research grants to groups focusing on the early diagnosis and management of young people with colon cancer.

Sarah spent much of her life saving kids, and simply put, Sarah’s vision is to prevent other young people from dying of bowel cancer.

In remembrance of Dr. Sarah Barlow.



Fundraising Enquiries
Greg Tate (Fundraising Manager) 0407 037 889

Peter Barlow, Director
0418 712 379

Mailing Address
14 Aldinga Place Mooloolaba, Qld 4557